Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask
BEFORE you send those beautiful flowers or show up for a date with a fistful of daisies -- you need to know EXACTLY WHAT you are saying with that flower?
Historically, traditionally flowers talked -- they spoke volumes about feelings and sentiments. We have gathered hundreds of traditional flower meanings for your enjoyment and edification and use: - A -
ABUTILON Meditation ACACIA (Rose or white) Elegance, friendship ACACIA (yellow) Secret love ACANTHUS Artifice, fine arts ACHILLEA War ACONITE Lustre, misanthropy ADDER'S TONGUE Jealousy
ADONIS Sad memories |  | AGRIMONY Gratitude ALLSPICE Compassion
ALLIUM Unity, Humility, Patience |  | ALMOND (common) Indiscretion, perfidy ALOE Grief, misplaced devotion, religious superstition ALSTOREMERIA Devotion ALTHEA Consumed by love ALYSSYM (sweet) Excellence beyond beauty, exemplary modesty AMARANTH (coxcomb) Affectation, pretension AMARANTH (globe) Constant, unchangeable AMARYLLIS Beautiful, timid, proud AMBROSIA Your Love is Reciprocated
ANEMONE Forsaken, fading hope |  | ANGELICA Inspiration, magic APOCYNUM Falsehood, figment, I doubt you
APPLEBLOSSOM Promise |  | ARBORVITAE (American) immortality ARBUTUS You only do I love ASCLEPIAS Sorrowful remembrance ASH Prudence, with me you are safe ASMINE (nightblooming) Love's vigil ASPEN Excess of sensibility, fear ASPHODEL Memorial sorrow, my regrets follow you to the grave ASTER Symbol of Love, Daintiness
ASTER Afterthoughts, love of variety |  | AURICULA (scarlet) Pride AURICULA Wealth is not always happiness AZALEA Moderation, temperance, fragile passion, your blush has won me (Chinese Symbol of Womanhood)
- B -
BABY'S BREATH Pure of heart
BACHELOR BUTTON Devotion, Hope, Love |  | BALM Social intercourse, sympathy BALSAM Impatience BARBERRY Sharpness of temper BASIL Hatred BAYBERRY Discipline, instruction BAYLEAF I change but in death BEGONIA Beware BELLFLOWER Constancy, gratitude, I wish to speak to you BELLS OF IRELAND Good Luck BELLWORT Hopelessness BETONY Surprise BILBERRY Treachery BITTERSWEET Truth BITTERSWEET Truth, platonic love BLACKTHORN Difficulty
BLUBELL Humility, Constancy |  | BLUEBOTTLE Delicacy BLUETS Contentment BORAGE Bluntness, talent BRAMBLE Holiness, remorse BROOM Humility, neatness BRYONY Prosperity BURDOCK Importunity BUTTERCUP Riches BUTTERFLYWEED Let me go
- C -
CACTUS Endurance CACTUS Grandeur, warmth
CALLA LILY Magnificent beauty |  | CALYCANTHUS Benevolence
CAMELLIA (PINK) Longing for you |  | CAMELLIA (RED) You're a Flame in My Heart, innate warmth, alas my poor heart CAMELLIA (WHITE) Perfected loveliness, without blemish , You're Adorable CANDYTUFT Indifference CANTERBURY BELLS Gratitude, acknowledgement, obligation CARDINALFLOWER Distinction CARNATION (GENERAL) Fascination, Woman Love CARNATION (PINK) I'll Never Forget You CARNATION (PURPLE) Capriciousness CARNATION (RED) My Heart Aches For You, Admiration CARNATION (SOLID COLOR) Yes CARNATION (STRIPED) No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You, Wish I Could Be With You CARNATION (WHITE) Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift CARNATION (YELLOW) You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection CATALPA Beware of the coquette CATCHFLY Pretended love, snare, unchanging friendship CATTAIL Peace, Prosperity CATTLEYA Matronly grace, mature charms CEDAR I live but for thee, think of me CELANDINE Joys to come CENTAURY Delicacy CEREUS (nightblooming) Transient beauty CHAMOMILE Energy in adversity CHERRYBLOSSOM Spiritual beauty CHESTNUTBLOSSOM Do me justice CHICKWEED Give an account of yourself, rendezvous CHICORY Frugality CHRYSANTHEMUM (Chinese) Loveliness and cheerfulness
CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) You're a Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest |  | CHRYSANTHEMUM (red) I love CHRYSANTHEMUM (WHITE) Truth CHRYSANTHEMUM (YELLOW) Slighted Love CINERARIA Always delighted CISTUS Popular favour CITRON natural beauty CLEMATIS (evergreen) Poverty CLEMATIS Mental Beauty CLIANTHUS Selfseeking, worldliness CLOTBUR Rudeness CLOVER (fourleafed) Be mine CLOVER (white) Think of me CLOVES Dignity COBAEA Gossip COLTSFOOT Justice shall be done COLUMBINE Folly CONVOLVULUS Uncertainty CORCHORUS Return quickly COREOPSIS Always cheerful CORIANDER Hidden worth CORNBLOSSOM Riches CORNCOCKLE Peerless and proud CORNEL Success crowned you CORNFLOWER Delicacy, refinement COWSLIP Comeliness, winning grace, you are my divinity COXCOMB Foppery CRABAPPLEBLOSSOM Irritability CRANBERRY Cure for heartache CREEPING CEREUS Modest genius CRESS Power, stability CROCUS Cheerfulness CROCUS Abuse not, gladness, mirth CROWFOOT Ingratitude CROWN IMPERIAL Arrogance, majesty, pride of birth CURRANT Your frown will destroy me CUSCUTA Meanness CYCLAMEN Resignation and Goodbye CYPRESS Despair, mourning
- D -
DAFFODIL Regard, Unrequited Love, You're the Only One, The Sun is Always Shining when I'm with You
| DAHLIA Elegance and dignity, forever thine DAISY Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity DAISY (colored) Beauty DAISY (Michaelmas) Farewell
DAISY (white wild) I will think of it DAISY Innocence DANDELION Faithfulness, Happiness DAPHNE Fame, glory DARNEL Vice DEWPLANT Serenade DIOSMA Your simple elegance charms me DITTANY OF CRETE (white) Passion DOCK Patience DODDER OF THYME Baseness DOGBANE Falsehood DOGROSE Pleasure DOGWOOD Love undiminished
- E -
EGLANTINE Genius, I wound to heal, poetry, talent ELDER Compassion, zealousness ENDIVE Frugality ENNEL Strength, worthy of praise ESCHSCHOLTZIA Do not refuse me EUPATORIUM Delay EYEBRIGHT Cheer up
- F -
FERN Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter, sincerity FIG Argument, I keep my secret FILBERT Reconciliation FIR Time FLAX Domestic Symbol FLEURDELIS Message FLOWERING ALMOND Hope FLOWEROFANHOUR Delicate beauty
FORGETMENOT True Love, Memories, constancy
|  | FORSYTHIA Anticipation FOURLEAFED CLOVER Be mine FOURO'CLOCK Timidity FOXGLOVE Insincerity, stateliness, youth FOXTAIL GRASS Sporting FUCHSIA Confiding love FUMITORY Spleen FURZE Anger, love for all occasions
- G -
GARDEN DAISY Share your sentiments GARDENIA You're Lovely, Secret Love GARDENIA Refinement GENTIAN (closed) Sweet be thy dreams GENTIAN (fringed) I look to heaven GERANIUM Stupidity, Folly GERANIUM (dark) Melancholy GERANIUM (fish) Disappointed expectation GERANIUM (horseshoe) Stupidity GERANIUM (Ivy) Favour GERANIUM (lemon) Unexpected meeting GERANIUM (nutmeg) Expected meeting GERANIUM (oak) True friendship GERANIUM (pencilled) Ingenuity GERANIUM (rose) Preference GERANIUM (scarlet) Comforting, consolation GERANIUM (silver leafed) Recall GERANIUM (wild) Steadfast piety GERANIUM Gentility, peaceful mind GILLYFLOWER Bonds of affection, lasting beauty, she is fair GLADIOLI Give Me a Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower of the Gladiators GLADIOLUS Readyarmed GLOXINIA Love at First Sight GOLDENROD Encouragement, precaution GOOSEBERRY Anticipation GRANDIFLORA Highsouled GRAPE (wild) Charity, mirth GRASS Submission
- H -
HANDFLOWER Warning HAREBELL Grief, submission HARLEQUIN Laugh at trouble HAWKWEED Quicksighted HAWTHORN Hope HAZEL Reconciliation, heart is agitated HEARTSEASE Modesty, pleasant thoughts, think of me HEATH Solitude HEATHER (LAVENDER) Admiration, Solitude HEATHER (WHITE) Protection, Wishes Will Come True HELENIUM Tears HELIOTROPE Devotion, eagerness, intoxicated with joy HELLEBORE Calumny, scandal HEMLOCK You will cause my death HEMP Fate
HIBISCUS Delicate beauty
|  | HOLLY Defense, Domestic Happiness HOLLY Am I forgotten?, domestic happiness, foresight HOLLYHOCK Ambition, fruitfulness HONEYFLOWER Love sweet and secret HONEYSUCKLE (coral) Fidelity, generous and devoted love, affection HONEYSUCKLE Bonds of love HOP Injustice HORNBEAM Ornament HORSECHESTNUT Luxury HOUSELEEK Domestic industry, vivacity HOUSTONIA Contentment HYACINTH (BLUE) Constancy HYACINTH (GENERAL) Games and Sports, Rashness, Flower Dedicated to Apollo HYACINTH (PURPLE) I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow HYACINTH (purple) Jealousy, sorrow HYACINTH (RED OR PINK) Play HYACINTH (WHITE) Loveliness, I'll Pray for You HYACINTH (white) Modest loveliness HYACINTH (YELLOW) Jealousy HYACINTH Constancy |  | HYDRANGEA Thank You for Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness HYSSOP Cleanliness
- I -
ICEPLANT Old Beau, rejected, your looks freeze me IRIS Fleurdelis, Emblem of France, Your Friendship Means so Much to Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments
IRIS (German) Aflame, I burn adversity
|  | IRIS Message, my compliments, eloquence IVY Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection IVY Fidelity, friendship, marriage, wedded love
- J -
JACOB'S LADDER come down JASMINE (cape) I am too happy JASMINE (Carolina) Separation
JASMINE (Indian) Attraction, I attach myself to you
|  | JASMINE (Spanish) Sensuality JASMINE (white) Amiability JASMINE (yellow) Grace and elegance JASMINE I am too happy JONQUIL Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire for Affection Returned
JUDASTREE Betrayal, unbelief
- K -
- L -
LABURNUM Forsaken, pensive beauty LADY'S SLIPPER Capricious beauty, win and wear me LADY'S SMOCK Ardor LADY'S THIMBLE Grief, submission LADY'STRESSES Bewitching grace LANTANA I am unyielding LAPAGERIA There is no unalloyed good LARCH Audacity, boldness. LARKSPUR (PINK) Fickleness LARKSPUR (pink) Fickleness LARKSPUR (Purple) Haughtiness LAUREL (ground) Perseverance, token LAUREL (mountain) Ambition LAUREL Perfidy, treachery LAURESTINE I die if neglected LAVENDER Acknowledgment, distrust failure LEAVES (dead) Sadness LEMON Discretion LETTUCE Coldhearted LICHEN Dejection, refusal, solitude
LILAC (purple) Fastidiousness, first love
|  | LILY (CALLA) Beauty, Maiden modesty LILY (DAY) Coquetry, Chinese Emblem for Mother LILY (day) Coquetry LILY (EUCHARIS) Maiden Charms LILY (frog) Disgust LILY (tiger) I dare you to love me LILY (TIGER) Wealth, Pride LILY (water) Purity of heart LILY (WHITE) Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly to be with You, I'm Walking on Air LILY (yellow) Coquetry, falsehood, flirtation
Sweetness, Tears of the Virgin Mary, Return to Happiness, Humility, You've Made My Life Complete
|  | LINDEN Conjugal love LIVEOAK Liberty LIVERWORT Confidence LOBELIA Arrogance, malevolence LOCUST Affection beyond the grave, vicissitude LONDONPRIDE Frivolity
LOTUS Estranged love
|  | LOVEINAMIST Perplexity LOVELIES Bleeding, hopeless but not heartless LUCERNE Life LUPINE (rose) Fanciful LUPINE (white) Always happy LUPINE Voraciousness
- M -
MADDER Backbiting, tranquility
MAGNOLIA Nobility or Benevolence, highsouled, love of nature, magnificence |  |
MAGNOLIA (swamp) Perseverance
|  | MAIZE Riches MALLOW Mildness MANCHINEEL Falsehood MANDRAKE I wound to soothe MAPLE Reserve, retirement MARIGOLD Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy MARIGOLD Cruelty in love, inquietude, jealous lover MARJORAM Blushes MARSHMALLOW Beneficence in consent MARVELOFPERU Timidity MEADOWSAFFRON My best days are past MEADOWSWEET Uselessness MESEMBRYANTHEMUM Idleness MEZEREON Desire to please MIGNONETTE Your qualities surpass your charms MILFORD War MILKVETCH Your presence softens my pain, comfort MIMOSA Exquisite, fastidious MINT Let us be friends again, virtue MISTLETOE Kiss me, Affection, To Surmount Difficulties, Sacred Plant of India MOCKORANGE Counterfeit MONARDA Your whims are unbearable MONKSHEAD Danger is near MONKSHOOD Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near MONK'SHOOD Chivalry MOONFLOWER I only dream of love MORNINGBRIDE I have lost all MORNINGGLORY Affection, departure MOSCHATEL Weakness MOSS Ennui MOSS Maternal Love, Charity MOSS ROSEBUD Confession of love MOTHERWORT Concealed love MOUNTAIN ASH Prudence MOURNINGBRIDE Unfortunate to attachments MUDWORT Happiness, peace MULBERRY (black) I shall not survive you, sadness MULBERRY (white) Wisdom MULLEIN Take courage MUSKPLANT Be bolder MUSTARD I smart, I am hurt MYRTLE Love, Hebrew Emblem of Marriage MYRTLE (wax) Discipline, instruction MYRTLE Love in absence
- N -
NANDINA My love will grow warmer NARCISSUS Egotism, Formality, Stay as Sweet as You Are NARCISSUS Egotism, you love yourself too well
NASTURTIUM Conquest, Victory in Battle, Patriotism |  | NETTLE Slander, you are spiteful NIGHTSHADE Your thoughts are dark
- O -
OAK Hospitality OAT I love your music OLEANDER Caution OLEANDER Beware OLIVE Peace ORANGE BLOSSOM Innocence, Eternal Love, Marriage and Fruitfulness ORANGE MOCK Deceit
ORCHID Love, Beauty, Refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese Symbol for Many Children
|  | ORCHID (CATTLEYA) Mature Charm ORCHIS (bee) Error, industry ORCHIS (butterfly) Gaiety ORCHIS (fly) Error OXEYE Be patient
- P -
PALM LEAVES Victory and Success PANSY Modesty, pleasant thoughts, think of me PARSLEY Useful knowledge, festivity gaiety PASQUEFLOWER You have no claims PASSION FLOWER Faith, holy love, religious fervour and superstition PEA (Everlasting) Appoint a meeting, lasting pleasure PEACHBLOSSOM I am your captive PEARBLOSSOM Not altogether lovely, affections PENNYROYAL You had better go
PEONY Shame, Happy Life, Happy Marriage or indignation or bashfulness
|  | PEPPERFLOWER Satirical thoughts PERIWINKLE (blue) Early friendship PERIWINKLE (white) Harmony, pleasure of memory PERSICARIA Restoration PERSIMMONBLOSSOM Bury me amid nature's beauties, I shall surprise you by and by PETUNIA Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Sooths Me PETUNIA You soothe me PHEASANT'SEYE I cannot forget you PHLOX (starshaped) Affability, trying to please you, agreements PHLOX Unanimity PIMPERNEL Assignation, change PINE Hope, Pity PINK (doublered) Ardent love PINK (Indian) Always lovely PINK (mountain) Aspiration PINK (variegated) Refusal PINK (white) Fascination, talent PLUM (wild) Independence PLUMBAGO Holy wishes PLUMBLOSSOM Keep your promises, fidelity POLYANTHUS Purseproud POMEGRANATE BLOSSOM Mature elegance, perfection POPPY (general) Eternal Sleep, Oblivion, Imagination POPPY (red) Pleasure |  | POPPY (scarlet) Fantastic extravagance POPPY (variegated) Flirtation, dreaminess POPPY (white) Consolation POPPY (yellow) Wealth, Success POTENTILLA I claim your esteem PRIDE OF CHINA Dissension PRIMROSE I Can't Live Without You PRIMROSE (evening) Inconstancy
PRIMROSE (red) Neglected merit
|  | PRIMROSE Believe me, youth and sadness PRINCE'S FEATHER I blush for you PRIVET Prohibition PYXIE Life is sweet
- Q -
- R -
RANUNCULUS I am dazzled by your charms |  | RASPBERRY BLOSSOM Remorse RHODODENDRON Beware, I am dangerous ROCKET Rivalry ROSE (Austrian) You are all that is lovely ROSE (bridal) Happy love ROSE (nurgundy) Unconscious beauty ROSE (cabbage) Ambassador of love ROSE (Carolina) Love is dangerous ROSE (China) Beauty always new ROSE (Damask) Beauty ever new, young and brilliant ROSE (dark crimson) Mourning ROSE (deepred) Admiration, bashful, embarrassment ROSE (fullblown) Engagement ROSE (guelder) Age, winter ROSE (halfblown) Timid love
ROSE (hibiscus) Delicate Beauty
| ROSE (Jacqueminot) I am true ROSE (Japan) Beauty is your only attraction, illusion ROSE (leaf) You May Hope ROSE (marechal niel) Yours, heart and soul ROSE (montiflora) Grace ROSE (moss) Superior, confessions of love ROSE (musk) Capricious beauty
ROSE (pink) Perfect Happiness, Please Believe Me
|  | ROSE (orange) Fascination
|  | ROSE (red) Love, I Love You ROSE (rock) Popular favor ROSE (tea) I'll Remember Always ROSE (thornless) Love at First Sight ROSE (WHITE AND RED MIXED) Unity, Flower Emblem of England ROSE (white) Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You, You're Heavenly, Secrecy and Silence ROSE (white, withered) Despair ROSE (withered) Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue ROSE (wild) Charming simplicity
ROSE (yellow) Decrease of Love, Jealousy, Try to Care
|  | ROSE (Yorkand Lancaster) Conflict ROSE Love ROSEBUD Beauty and Youth, A Heart Innocent of Love ROSEBUD (moss) Confessions of Love ROSEBUD (red) Pure and Lovely ROSEBUD (white) Too young to love ROSELEAF You may hope ROSEMARY Remember me ROSES (Bouquet of Mature Blooms) Gratitude ROSES (Single Full Bloom) I Love You, I Still Love You RUDBECKIA Impartiality RUE Disdain, fertility
- S -
SAFFRON Beware of excess pleasures, voluptuousness, you are perfectly lovely SAGE Domestic virtues, great respect SAINFOIN You confuse me SALVIA (blue) Wisdom SALVIA (red) Untiring energy SATINFLOWER Fascination SAXIFRAGE Affection SCABIOUS (sweet) Widowhood SCABIOUS Unfortunate love SEABINDWEED Uncertainty SENSITIVEPLANT Fine sensibility SENVY I smart SHAMROCK Loyalty SHEPHERD'S PURSE I offer you my all SMILAX Loveliness, constancy SNAPDRAGON Deception, Gracious Lady SNOWBALL Thoughts of heaven SNOWDROP Consolation, friendship in trouble SORREL (wild) Ill-timed wit SORREL (wood) Secret sweetness SOUTHERNWOOD Bantering, jest SPEEDWELL Womanly fidelity SPIDER FLOWER Elope with Me
SPIDERWORT Esteem but not love
|  | ST. JOHN'S WORT Animosity STAR OF BETHLEHEM Atonement STARWORT Afterthought
STEPHANOTIS Happiness in Marriage, Desire to Travel
|  | STOCK Bonds of Affection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me STONECROP Tranquility STRAW Agreement SUMAC (dwarf) Adoration SUMAC I shall survive the change SUNFLOWER (large) You are splendid SWEET BASIL Good wishes SWEETPEA Goodbye, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You for a Lovely Time SWEETWILLIAM Grant me one smile SYRINGA You shall be happy yet
- T -
TAMARISK Crime TANSY Resistance TEAZEL Misanthropy THISTLE (Scotch) Retaliation THISTLE Austerity, sternness THORNAPPLE Delusive beauty THRIFT Sympathy TRILLIUM Modest ambition TRUMPET FLOWER Fame TUBEROSE Dangerous
TULIP (general) Perfect Lover, Flower Emblem of Holland |  | TULIP (red) Believe Me, Declaration of Love TULIP (variegated) Beautiful Eyes TULIP (variegated) Enchantment, your eyes are beautiful TULIP (yellow) There's Sunshine in Your Smile, Hopeless and perfect love TULIP TREE BLOSSOM Rural happiness TURNIP BLOSSOM Charity TUSSILAGE You shall have justice
- V -
VALERIAN An accommodating disposition VENUS'S FLYTRAP Duplicity VENUS'S LOOKINGGLASS Flattery VERBENA Pray for me, tender and quick emotion VERONICA Fidelity VERVAIN Enchantment, superstition VIOLET Modesty
 VIOLET (blue) Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I'll Always Be True VIOLET (white) Let's Take a Chance, modesty hope VIRGINIA CREEPER I cling to you VIRGIN'S BOWER Filial love
- W -
WAKEROBIN Ardorzeal WALLFLOWER Fidelity in misfortune or adversity WATER LILY Purity of the heart WAXPLANT Susceptibility WHEAT Prosperity WISTERIA Cordial welcome WITCHHAZEL Inspiration, Mysticism, a spell is upon me WOLFSBANE Misanthropy WOODBINE Fraternal love
WORMWOOD Absence |  |
- X -
XANTHIUM Pertinacity, rudeness
- Y -
YARROW Cure for heartache
- Z -
ZEPHYRANTHES Expectation ZINNIA (magenta) Lasting Affection ZINNIA (mixed) Thinking (or In Memory) of an Absent Friend ZINNIA (scarlet) Constancy ZINNIA (white) Goodness ZINNIA (yellow) Daily Remembrance ZINNIA Thoughts of absent friends
OKAY -- now that you know what you're saying when you send those lovely bouquets and you're aware of the secret and traditional meanings of flowers -- make some points -- send a SECRET message of LOVE or like or not...
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